
Web aplikacija denCommerce

Web aplikacija denCommerce

O projektu Web trgovina i upravljanje narudžbama.Pratite svoj promet na namjenskom web-mjestu u svakom trenutku, primajte nove narudžbe i uređujte svoju ponudu proizvoda.Prvobitni zahtjev bio je omogućiti upravljanje proizvodima i uslugama prikazanim na web stranici...

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Web Application denCommerce

Web Application denCommerce

About project Web store and order managemen.Track your traffic on a dedicated site at all times, receive new orders, and edit your product offering.The initial demand was to enable the management of products and services displayed on the seller's website. Receipt and...

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Web Application denEvents

Web Application denEvents

About project Manage events and user logins for the same Inform your users about the new event in time, allow users to register for upcoming events and receive them via email and user interface. The initial demand was to allow the addition of new events and...

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Web Application Tripoli

Web Application Tripoli

About project Complete Cloud solution for storage of occupational safety, fire protection and environmental protection documentation. The initial request was to replace the existing way of storing records, copies on a removable disk, in a more modern and secure way....

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